How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking ? 10 Dog Training

1 | Spray Bottle

So with this simple trick, you just fill a regular spray bottle with water (I got a nice one from Dollar Tree) and when your little pup (or big pup) starts to bark or misbehave in any way, a quick spritz should do the trick.
After just a few days of using the spray bottle, my dogs would stop barking as soon as I would reach for it!
How to get your dog to stop barking | Millennial Talks

Rattling Bottle

Fill a bottle or jar with something like beans, loose change, or beads. Whenever your dog barks just shake the bottle (make sure it isn’t too full, you want it to be loud).
The sudden, loud noise should catch your dog’s attention and they will eventually put two and two together.

Rolled Up Magazine

The classic rolled up magazine (or newspaper) is an old trick. I don’t endorse dog abuse, but a good firm pat on the hiney isn’t pleasant for them. A pat or two should be enough to get your dog to understand what that magazine can do.
You’ll be able to smack it against your hand for a loud SMACK and the dog will know what’s up. Never hit your dog super hard and do not hit them anywhere but their hind end.

4 | Block Their View

Now this one is for the dogs that bark at any and everything that it outside the window, whether it be another dog, a person, a car, or even a fly.
If this is the case for your pooch, then block their view. Cover the windows or doors they are barking at. Or block the window or door itself so your dog can’t even go near it.

| Quiet Command

Teach the quiet command. This may be a little tough (and a little strange) at first. You must first teach them to bark. When you teach them to bark, you can then teach them to be quiet.
This way, when they bark in the future you can use the quiet command that you taught them.

6 | Ignore It

This can’t always be done, BUT, if you understand your dog enough to know WHY they are barking, then this could work.
If your dog is bored, or just wants attention (and you’re not able to give it to them at the moment) then ignore it. If this is truly why they are barking, then they will stop. Eventually.

7 | Excercise

Exercise your pup. Play with them, walk them, tire them out! If a dog is tired they are much less likely to bark. And hey, if you exercise your dog, they are in turn exercising you! Win-win!
How to get your dog to stop barking | Millennial Talks

8 | Reward, Reward, Reward

Remember, positive reinforcement is KEY! When your dog is behaving (aka not barking) reward them! Give them a treat, a good boy (or girl), belly rubs, or any way you want.

| Bark Collar

I am not a fan of shock collars. Thankfully, those are not the only bark collars out there! There are sound collars and vibrate collars (they may work for you but we haven’t had luck with them). There are also spray collars.

10 Professional Help

When all else fails, go to a professional. Sometimes it doesn’t matter what you do or how hard you try, some dogs are just way too stubborn and require an expert.
There is nothing wrong with getting help from someone who does this for a living! GET YOUR DOG TRAINING COURSE to be professional.

10 ways to get your dog to stop barking. Some of these worked wonders for my husband and me with our little girl, Callie. Go ahead and give them a try!
What works for you? I’d love to hear your stories!


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